Linemaster Switch Corporation 29 Plaine Hill Road
POB 238 Woodstock, CT 06281-0238 USA Toll Free: (800) 974-3668 (US Only)
Telephone: (860) 974-1000 Fax: (860) 974-0691 E-Mail: Web site:

Item # 981-SC36, AC Variable Speed Control Foot Switch
- Variable control of small fractional horsepower universal AC/DC motors only, leaving hands free.
- Half wave in the variable speed mode, full wave at full speed.
- Optional SPDT auxiliary off/on switch.
- Supplied with dual cordsets, single series plug or custom modified for the O.E.M.
- Polymeric material will not rust or corrode.
- Standard color is black: custom color may be quoted on large O.E.M orders.