Linemaster Switch Corporation 29 Plaine Hill Road
POB 238 Woodstock, CT 06281-0238 USA Toll Free: (800) 974-3668 (US Only)
Telephone: (860) 974-1000 Fax: (860) 974-0691 E-Mail: Web site:

Item # 77SN7A, Classic Variable Controller Foot Switch
The Classic Variable Controller foot switch is designed for control of small fractional horsepower Universal AC/DC motors only. The device is half wave in the variable speed portion and full wave at full speed. Long treadle travel provides for very smooth, controlled speed changes. An adjustable trim potentiometer is included to give low speed adjustment at the very beginning of the treadle stroke. Full motor speed is obtained when the treadle is depressed fully, and stops when the treadle is released. When the 77SN7A is used, just plug cord from the motor into receptacle of series plug, and plug series plug into 125 VAC wall outlet. Wire the 77SN7B in series with the motor using the white lead, wire the black lead to the line and green lead to ground.